Digital content using games, AR, VR and simulations on Learning Now TV
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Helen Routledge talks to Nigel about providing digital content that empowers employees through the use of serious games, simulations, AR, and VR. She says that their main goal is to get people to love learning.
Are you game for change webinar; an exploration of gamification, simulations, VR and AR
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Helen Routledge and Spencer Holmes join Marc Jarret to provide an overview of how games engage and develop deep connections for learning and development.
5 Crucial Steps to Creating and Launching Gamified Learning: Listen again here
Games are a great way to engage people in learning – but how do you implement them well? Join this webinar to explore the top 5 factors to consider in making your serious game successful, and highlight organisations who have been there and done it. By the end of the session, you will understand your options, know the pitfalls and be aware of what others have done to succeed.
Topics covered:
Focusing on root causes and solving real business problems
Ensuring buy-in from the business
How to work well with a developer to get the most from your game
What it takes to make a great game
Common misconceptions, pitfalls and traps to avoid