Webinar slides, video & white paper.

The secrets of learner engagement.

On March 5th we ran a webinar: Winning time & attention with games apps.

We’d like to share the slides, a white paper and a recording of that webinar.

Time and attention are valuable resources. Without them we can’t engage, educate or inform our teams. But we are all busy. So we must compete for attention.

You can break through the distractions with serious games.

In the webinar we demonstrated how game apps can create enjoyable opportunities for learning and change. Winning focused attention from busy colleagues.



Just click the buttons below. You don’t have to register or share any details with us.

But we’d love it if you subscribed to receive our newsletter. We are planning more webinars covering a range of topics including mixed reality, virtual reality and game-based simulations.



Click the download button below to get your copy of the webinar slides as a pdf.


White paper.

Click the download button below to get your copy of the whitepaper as a pdf.